Crédit photographique : Bibliothèque de l’Institut de France 

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2491/3789 results        
Identification et lieu de conservation
TitreJoseph BLACK à CONDORCET - 15 juillet 1789 (Edinburg, Edinburgh University Library, Coll-16/III, f. 146F)
Document de référenceOui
Statut éditorialLettre retenue
Nature du documentBrouillon
Lieu de conservationEdinburg, Edinburgh University Library
CoteColl-16/III, f. 146F
Note(s) identification
et lieu de conservation

Ancienne cote : Gen. 875 III/F, f. 146

Expéditeur(s) et destinataire(s)
Instrument d’écriturePlume trempée dans l’encre noire
Signature de Condorcet[non]
Date indiquée par le scripteur15 July 1789
Datation15 juillet 1789
Lieu d'écriture indiqué par le scripteurEdinburgh
Lieu d'écriture rétabli ou normaliséEdimbourg
Lieu d'écriture indexé
Lieu de destination indiqué par le scripteur[non]
Lieu de destination rétabli ou normalisé[Paris, Académie des sciences]
Lieu de destination indexé

A Monsieur
Monsieur le Marquis de Condorcet
Secretaire perpetuel de L[,]academie Royale des Sciences de Paris
A Paris

Marque(s) postale(s)
Marque(s) postale(s)Non
Pliage d’expéditionPli non cacheté
Papier et cachet
Description sommaire du papier

Feuillet in-4°, vergé écru, filigrané.

Pièce(s) jointe(s) ou liée(s)
Lettre(s) « de » ou « à » Condorcet

I received your intimation of the honour which the Royal Aademy of Sciences have conferred on me by electing me

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[146 r] Edinburgh <27 [?]> <16 [?]> 15 July 1789


I received your <obligeing> intimation of the honour which the Royal Academy of Sciences have conferred on me by electing me a foreign associate of their <illustrious Body> celebrated Society. <Do me the favour> Have the goodness to assure them that <I [... ?]> this mark of their favour & <esteem [?] [... ?] [… ?]>> Regard has1Etats antérieurs : has filled me with gratitude & has satisfyed the highest of my ambitionshas filled me with gratitude & has satisfyed the highest desires of my ambitionhas filled me with gratitude & has satisfyed the highest desire of my ambition. satisfyed my <utmost> highest ambition & has added the sentiments of <affectionate |&|>> |warm| attachment |&gratitude| to <that> the <high> Respect and admiration <[... ?]> which I have always had for <that> their <Merit & same Reputation [... ?] high |eminent| Rank> eminent Merit & Rank <in the Republic of letters> among the learned & ingenious Society of Europe.

Allow me Sir to add that <the pleasure I have received from this event> my Satisfaction was much encreased by the <most> obligeing manner in which you were pleased to communicate this event & that I <[... ?] shall always be [... ?] set the> think myself fortunate in this opportunity to assure you of the high Esteem with which I have the honour to be

Sir your most humble & most obedient Servant



2491/3789 results        



Responsable du projet : Nicolas Rieucau, Laboratoire d'économie dionysien (EA 3391) / Université Paris VIII.
Projet financé par l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)
Hébergement du site : TGIR Huma-Num

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