Photographic credit: Bibliothèque de l’Institut de France 

Chronology of Condorcet’s life

A timeline of Condorcet’s life and works was compiled by Anne-Marie Chouillet in 1993 [Lekton, vol. 3, n°1, Spring 1993, pp. 33-51]. She summed up the state of current knowledge on Condorcet’s biography and pointed out the problems posed by the dating and authorship of a number of works attributed to him.

This timeline is inspired from Anne-Marie Chouillet’s. It has been augmented and specified according to the objectives of the Inventaire Condorcet: establishing a precise chronology of his life and works to help date the manuscripts and letters uncovered in the course of the project, especially for the Revolutionary period.

This timeline is therefore necessarily provisional. It will be revised, corrected and completed as our research progresses.

Link to the document: Chronologie de la vie de Condorcet



Last update on Wednesday 16 December 2020 (15:13) by  Nicolas Rieucau



Project director: Nicolas Rieucau. University Paris VIII.
Project funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) (ANR)
Site hosting : TGIR Huma-Num

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